The Creative Force Behind FLY
Hey FLY Girl,
I’m Toya, the creator of Fly Earrings, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to our online home! FLY Earrings was born out of a personal journey during a tough time in my life when I was living in chronic pain due to illness. I started to create to cope. Although I felt better while crafting, I was still losing a lot of weight, which was pretty scary. There were times when my weight loss was such a focus of attention that it left me feeling self-conscious. As a mom of six, I never thought there would come a day when I would celebrate seeing numbers on the scale go up instead of down. The best diversion tactic I could come up with was rockin’ bold accessories. FLY Earrings became my perfect distraction, allowing me to shift the focus from my frailty to my flyness. The bolder my earrings became, the less likely people were to remark on my rapid weight loss. My earrings helped me feel like myself. In fact, I got to a point where if I wasn’t rockin' FLY, I felt invisible. I call it the FLY Effect. My FLY Girl customers often describe a similar experience of not feeling like themselves when they aren’t wearing FLY. Anyhow, when things got really bad, it was just nice to look good. The combination of feeling bad and looking basic felt like bondage. So no matter how bad I felt, I was determined to not look like what I was walking through. If “I don’t look like what I’ve been through” was a person, she would be me. Makeup and accessories allowed me to feel pretty instead of evoking pity.
Early on my journey, I was just geeked that my earrings resonated with women, especially Black women. Oftentimes, the topic of discussion can easily be our hair in professional atmospheres, which can at times be a catalyst for awkward moments. The FLY Effect causes women to be showered with compliments, which produces comfort as opposed to contention and tends to foster connection over competition. Our collection is designed to boost confidence and command respect, making you feel vibrant and unforgettable in every space you walk into. Our mission at FLY Earrings is to empower women to make a bold statement while living a soft life. Nothing gets me more excited than seeing shy girls embrace their inner boldness and turn into FLY girls by expressing their unique style. Not only do I get to create art that elevates an outfit, but I also have the honor of helping women elevate their self-esteem.
As a wife, mom, daughter, and woman, I know what it’s like to occasionally feel overlooked, so my deepest desire is for every woman who wears FLY Earrings by Toya to feel seen, celebrated, and ultimately feel like herself. If you’re ready to relocate from the land of Ordinaryville to Extraordinaryville, you’re in the right place.
To all my FLY Girls who have been flying with me from the start, I am deeply grateful for your support. Your love and enthusiasm have transformed this brand into one that truly soars. We are currently in 3 stores and had the honor of showcasing our brand in New York Fashion Week 2023, and we’re just getting started. Without your support, this journey would have been bland, but because of your appreciation, social media shout outs, and custom order requests, I get to craft to my heart’s content. You are not just customers; you are a community of bold, beautiful, and fearless women who inspire me every day.
Welcome to the world of FLY earrings by me,
Hey FLY Girl!